After weeks (maybe even months) of resumes, cover letters, phone calls, and interviews, you finally found your dream internship – congratulations! But now what? The hard part of getting an internship is over, but it’s definitely going to take you some time to get used to your new life as an intern. Check out these helpful tips for making the best of your internship experience with Faviana’s guide to interning!
Dress to Impress (Yourself)
Depending on where you’re working, you’ll be expected to follow a particular dress code. In today’s workforce, most businesses follow a “business casual” dress code, unless you’re in a more corporate environment, in which case, cute button downs and blazers will be your go-to. (Keep in mind, it’s always best to be overdressed than underdressed). During the first week of work, take a look around and see what your colleagues are wearing. Who knows? You may be able to wear that cute dress you just bought!
Regardless of your dress code, you always want to make sure you are wearing something that is comfortable and shows off your best self. If you aren’t comfortable in your own skin, people tend to notice.
Keep Track of Your Work
It’s always a good idea to keep up with your work in order to stay organized and on top of your tasks. Whether you have a notebook or keep a sticky on your laptop, taking quick notes about the status of your daily tasks is useful for keeping you on track. For the short term, visualizing what you did that day is a great way to feel accomplished and satisfied in knowing you got things done, as well as being aware of what you need to do tomorrow. For the long term, tracking your work is beneficial for both you and your supervisor because they’ll know what you’re up to, or at the very least have a record of when tasks were started and completed. Additionally, once your internship is over, you’ll have all the information needed to build up that resume!
Ask For Help

Never be afraid to ask for help! Seriously, you’ll be surprised at how much people are willing to help you solve a problem. Asking for help shows that you care about what you’re doing, which will go a long way with your boss or supervisor. Plus, it’s always better to do something the correct way with a little assistance than to have to redo your work.
On a similar note, asking your supervisor if they need help with anything or doing additional tasks after completing your work is a great way to keep yourself busy and demonstrates that you are able to take on more responsibility. With more responsibility comes more things to learn, so take advantage of the opportunities around you!
Have any tips for future first-time interns? Is there something you wish you knew before starting an internship? Let us know what you think by tagging us on Instagram @glamandgowns, and Faviana’s Instagram @Faviana_NY and Twitter @FavianaNY.