Picture this: you’ve mentally prepared for the semester ahead. You have all of your necessities packed and ready, you’ve said goodbye to your childhood bedroom, and you know you’re finally going to have a cozy space all your own. Your Pinterest searches have lead you to find the most beautiful dorm rooms imaginable, and you can’t wait to decorate your room just like them. But when you finally arrive on campus, you’re shocked to discover your room consists only of a rickety bed, a wooden desk and matching chair. Yikes.
Don’t you worry, though! Budget-conscious students have been transforming their dorms for decades. If you’re looking to kill your college stress and dull dorm with one hot glue gun, read on to find out how you can create the space of your dreams.
Polaroids and Posters and Cork Boards, Oh My!

One of the easiest ways to make a space look more homey is to warm up the walls. This is where large-scale wall art comes into play. Try DIYing a cork board by pinning up old pictures, mementos from past events, drawings, cards, and inspiring quotes. (Check out an amazing cork board project here.) Or, turn inexpensive posters into one-of-a-kind works of art by placing them in decorated frames. All you need to do is search for posters that fit your personal style, then find a frame that fits it. Next, unleash your inner artiste by painting, collaging or bedazzling your frames. Before you know it, you’ll have your own art instillation to come home to. Another way to fill your walls is to hang polaroids on string with clothespins to make a DIY garland. Though it may seem like a challenge to collect enough wall-worthy pics, believe us when we tell you that college will provide you with more good times than you can capture.
DIY Projects for the Weekend Warrior
There are countless DIY projects that can help you transform your space, but a lot of them are surprisingly expensive and time consuming. That is why we collected a few budget-friendly projects that can be accomplished in a few hours or less.
LED Flowers

Fairy lights are a dorm room classic, but did you know you can take them to the next level with the help of some sheer ribbon? Using electrical tape, wrap pieces of flame resistant ribbon around each LED bulb and secure in place. Be sure to use LED lights that don’t heat up so you don’t accidentally risk burning down your dorm.
Throw Pillows

Throw pillows are one of those items that are often marked up a ridiculous amount at trendy retailers. To avoid paying top dollar, purchase some fabric, stuffing, and a sewing kit from your local craft store and make your own pillows! Check out a helpful tutorial here.
Terrarium Lightbulbs

Who doesn’t love a good succulent, right? Kick your plant game up a notch by filling part an old lightbulb with tiny rocks and a pint-sized plant. Hang these dainty decorations in your window, and voila, a mini terrarium!
Twig Initials

It’s easy to paint a store bought wooden letter, but why not get a little more creative? If your campus is full of trees and greenery, collect a bunch of sticks and twigs for this DIY project. Using a hot glue gun, attach the sticks together in the shape of a letter of your choosing. You can also add a few dried flowers for extra flair.
Trash Can Revamp

Trash cans are an obvious essential, but they don’t need to clash with your decor theme! Try gluing some beachy rope around a small trash can to dress up your bathroom.
Bedazzled Mirror
Photo credit: Home Talk
A full length mirror is a game changer in a cramped space. Aside from making for some killer OOTD pictures, mirrors can make a room appear much larger than it actually is. To transform a mirror, glue gems around its perimeter. Don’t be afraid to play with different patterns and colors when creating this glamorous focal point.
All in the Details

Once you’ve conquered all your DIY projects, complete your space with some simple details. Purchase hassle-free faux flowers and a vase to match. Add some pretty makeup brush holders, playful bookends and painted mason jars. Hang your jewelry on command hooks to fill additional empty wall space, or invest in a statement tapestry. However you choose to design your dorm, make sure that you create a space that makes you feel good. When college stress reaches a maximum, your dorm can be the ultimate oasis.
Have any decor hacks of your own? Share them with us by commenting below, or tagging us on Instagram @Faviana and on Twitter @FavianaNY. Don’t forget to follow our Snapchat @Faviana_NY and subscribe to our YouTube channel to catch up on our latest vlogs.
Now get decorating!
With love,
Written by Erica Fouts
Edited by Diego Ledezma