Clip-in hair extensions sure are an investment. Good ones aren’t cheap, so you want to make sure yours still look their best for as long as possible. The last thing you want is to only get one use out of them before they end up matted and bedraggled on your bedroom floor. The good news is that with a little TLC, your clip-in hair extensions can look gorgeous and glossy every time you want to try out a new style. And we all know once you’ve experienced long, thick locks, it’s kinda hard to go back. We present to you the ultimate hair guide to make your hair extensions last!
Hair guru, Miss Alex, shares her secrets with us to hair caring for your clip-in hair extensions in this helpful video. Covering everything from washing to storing, it’s a viewing must. You’ll even have the chance to get crafty (don’t worry craftophobes, it’s super simple).
Your TLC Essentials To Make Your Hair Extensions Last
- Shampoo with a low pH
- Quality conditioner
- Hairbrush
- Towel
- Coat hanger
- 1-2 meters of ribbon
- A long cotton T-shirt you don’t wear any more
How To Wash and Dry To Make Your Hair Extensions Last
To keep your extensions looking and smelling their best, you need to treat them to an occasional wash. Especially if they’ve been around environments that carry unpleasant scents, like walking around NYC or a food establishment. Don’t wash them after every use however, as this could damage them.
- Begin by choosing a quality shampoo with a low pH. Products with a higher pH can be too harsh and cause damage to the hair.
- Fill your washbasin with warm water – not too hot, not too cold!
- Then lather up your shampoo in your hands before gently running your hands down each weft, one at a time. Start at the top and finish at the tips.
- You want to avoid scrubbing them vigorously, or you’ll end up with lots of tangles to tackle.
- Once you’ve shampooed all of your wefts, fill up your basin with clean water and grab your conditioner. This will boost the shine and gloss of your hair extensions.
- Again, you want to go for a quality product without a harsh pH. A luxurious deep conditioner is ideal. Apply it just like you did the shampoo, then gently rinse it out
- Now that your extensions are beautifully clean and soft, you need to dry them. As you might be picking up, a gentle touch is the way to go!
- Lay out a clean towel on the floor, place your wefts carefully on top of it, and then wrap the towel up like a Swiss roll. A gentle squeeze is all you need.
- Then you can just unravel the towel and leave your extensions to dry naturally. Only blow-dry them if you’re pushed for time.
Brush Properly To Make Your Hair Extensions Last
Keep your clip-in hair extensions smooth and knot-free by brushing them regularly. A regular hairbrush will do the job. The important thing to remember when brushing is to start at the tips and work your way up. Brushing from the top of your weft is the quickest route to knots! Be gentle (as always) and brush in a downwards motion. Only move up to the next section of hair above when you have completely detangled the one below it.
Clever Storage Tips To Make Your Hair Extensions Last

You don’t want to undo all that hard work by shoving your extensions in the back of a drawer, now do you? They should be stored with care, away from moisture and direct heat. You can store your clip-in hair extensions safely in your wardrobe by creating a handy DIY ribbon hanger. That’s right, it’s crafting time! All you need to do is wrap some ribbon around a coat hanger a few times and secure. This will give your extensions something to clip onto so they can hang down naturally. Phew, that wasn’t too hard, was it? Finally, take a clean t-shirt long enough to cover the full length of your wefts and pop it over the hanger to protect them. Steer clear of man-made fabrics which can create static. Now all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the smug feeling you’re going to get next time you want to use your extensions and they’re clean, dry, smooth and fresh.
Show us how you care for your hair extensions and make them last by tagging us on Instagram @glamandgowns, and Faviana’s Instagram @Faviana_NY, Snapchat @Faviana_NY, and Twitter @FavianaNY. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more fun vlogs @FavianaNYC!
Best wishes,
Conor Bracknell
Conor is a guest writer for Glam & Gowns. To find out how you can become one of our guest writers, email us at!