Black Friday is the notorious day after Thanksgiving that’s a golden ticket for shoppers. It’s a great occasion to shop for amazing bargains and incredibly low prices for expensive items. On the other hand, it has thick crowds, long lines, and limited quantities of discount merchandise. Whether you’ve been Black Friday shopping before or this is your first time, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared beforehand. Here are some of our tips in order to survive Black Friday!
Tip #1 for Black Friday: Write Lists

Before venturing out, you should know exactly what you want. Without a game plan, it will be tempting to spend money you don’t have on items you don’t necessarily need. Being prepared will save you from exhaustion, impulse buying, and guilt. If you’re shopping for gifts, try to write a list of all the people you’re planning on buying gifts for. This way, you can keep track of everyone’s gifts, avoid duplicating gifts, or missing out on anyone. You should also write a list if you’re buying things for yourself or for the household. Think of what types of clothes you need or been dying to have. Additionally, think about what is actually missing, broken, or outdated in your home, instead of wasting money on new gadgets you’re unsure about.
Tip #2 for Black Friday: Budget

In addition to planning what to buy, you should also plan your budget. Especially if you’re managing your money and things are tight, a budget is essential. Even if it’s not, a budget will help you from impulse buys and spending more than you have to. Set a money limit for yourself before heading out, deciding on how much money you have to spare. You’ll thank yourself later for sticking to that amount!
Tip #3 for Black Friday: Timing is Key
Timing is everything when you go shopping. With all the bargains out there on Black Friday, the first thing you need to keep in mind is where you’re going to be at each hour. The earlier the better of course, especially if you have your eye on items that you already know will sell out fast. You can easily find your bargains in advance by collecting newspaper ads, coupon packets, and news about Black Friday discounts. This way you know what is on sale, who is selling it, and when those items are going to be on sale. Make sure to also organize your transportation when dealing with timing. Parking lots will be congested, so be mindful if you decide to carpool, be dropped off, or take public transportation.
Tip #4 for Black Friday: Draw a Map
Draw up a map of the places in a particular order, knowing what store you need to hit first (usually the one with the most important items or gifts). Clearly mark those stores having sales, and then go forth with your attack! You may receive minimal sleep, but you can still head forth with confidence. Assert yourself with determination and politeness, never leaving your basket unattended. Keep a tight hold on it, and try not to be a part of any chaos that takes place.
Tip #5 for Black Friday: Keep Sane
The most important tip is to keep your sanity intact. Do a reality check and remember this is just shopping, not a race to the death. If you feel upset, exhausted, anxious, or angry with fellow shoppers, your body is telling you to take a break. Ensure you’re eating properly and have time to breathe during the event. If it gets really bad, then your body is telling you it’s time to go home. Remember, looking after yourself and your family should always come first.
Share with us how you survive Black Friday by tagging us on Instagram @glamandgowns, and Faviana’s Instagram @Faviana_NY, Snapchat @Faviana_NY, and Twitter @FavianaNY. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more fun vlogs @FavianaNYC!