Public speaking is something that most of us dread yet we have to do so often for so many different situations: at school, college, with friends, at work. It really never ends! So don’t be discouraged. Even though most people are not naturally good at speaking in public to an audience, this is an ability that you can learn and try yourself to get better at, and here at Faviana, we have a few tips so you can improve in no time.
Prepare With Time
Don’t start preparing your presentation the night before you are supposed to deliver it! Start researching your topic with at least two weeks in advance so you have enough time to read enough about it and write a presentation that is coherent, succinct and that you will be able to deliver in the time frame that you are supposed to, whether it’s 5 minutes or 1 hour.
Allow yourself at least one week to practice every day at least a few minutes, so you feel comfortable memorizing the words and talking naturally. To appear effortless, you really have to try.
Introduce a Theme
Make sure that your audience knows from the get go what you will be talking about to avoid confusion. Yes, being a little mysterious makes it interesting, but before really going in with your topic or presentation, the theme should be clear.
That way it will be easier for your audience to follow you and the points you will be making. All your stories and examples should be made to back up your theme, and if they are personal and relatable even better.
Avoid Using Notes

Don’t read your notes. Really, don’t do it. Even if you forget a few things and power through, no one will notice if you seem confident. Remember that nobody knows the contents of your presentation except yourself.
Reading notes only makes you seem underprepared and unsure, even if you spent days researching and practicing for your talk. A good way to keep your audience engaged is by making eye contact with them as you speak, and you would break this by reading from notes. If you need to read something, do it out of your slides.
Be Authentic

Be yourself. Everyone tells the same thing, but really, be true to your personality and style. If you are a naturally funny person, include an appropriate joke or two in your presentation to break the ice with your audience, if your personality is more reserved, then make sure your information is matter-of-fact yet interesting. Show true love and enthusiasm for the topic you are talking about and your audience will feel it, making them interested as well!
Do you have other tips and keys for public speaking? Do you get nervous or find it inspiring? Let us know by tagging us on our Instagram @glamandgowns, and Faviana’s Instagram @Faviana_NY and Twitter @FavianaNY. Also, add us on Snapchat @faviana_ny to learn all about the Faviana lifestyle.