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What I Learned From My First Internship


As my internship at Faviana comes to an end, I wanted to take a moment and reflect on what I learned over the past few months. I really can’t say that there were any bad moments because I honestly had a blast. I love writing and getting to work with other creative minds was a dream come true. If you want to hear what it’s like working for Faviana and my experiences as an intern, keep on reading!

Contribute Your Ideas Because They Matter

Photo Credit: ThoughtCo.

At the beginning of my internship I was nervous about contributing my thoughts and ideas to the marketing team. I had this inner voice telling me that I was just an intern and my job was to only do what was asked. I was completely wrong because as soon as my first day rolled around I was immediately encouraged to share any ideas I had. My on-site internship advisor, Laura, was an absolute gem. She was always willing to hear what I had to say and collaborate to make my ideas a reality. I was able to bring my prior journalism experience to Faviana in a way that not only helped me but was able to help them grow and expand their brand. 

Showcase Your Work Ethic 

Photo Credit: Business Insider

When I came into this internship, I didn’t know exactly what I would be doing. I knew I would be writing content for Glam & Gowns, but I wasn’t sure of the expectations they had in terms of cranking out content. As the workaholic that I am, I just started to pitch and write articles because that is what I love to do and it was immediately appreciated by my team. I didn’t want the label of being an intern to lower their expectations, instead I wanted to show what I had to bring to the table. After my internship ends, Faviana is letting me stay on board with the team as a freelance writer for Glam & Gowns and I don’t think that would have happened without showcasing a great work ethic. If you are looking to maintain relationships in the industry, it is important to give all you have because there is a lot of competition and only one you!

Get To Know Other Interns During Your Internship

Photo Credit: Monster

I have extreme social anxiety so coming into a corporate setting where I knew that there would be other people really frightened me. As soon as I stepped in the door on the first day, everyone at Faviana greeted me with open arms and I felt at home. The office is set up to where you are working right next to other people and it only makes it more enjoyable if you can engage in friendly conversations while you’re working. There are 5 interns that work for the marketing team and I can honestly say that they are all my friends. We are all supportive of each other and genuinely interested in what everyone has going on in their lives both inside and outside of work. I now have connections with people in the fashion industry and graphic design community that I wouldn’t have had if I didn’t get to know other people.

I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better first internship. I was able to showcase my talents and push myself to new limits. If you are thinking about applying for an internship, I highly recommend it because you will not only learn more about your future career, but what really works for you.

Tell us about your internship experiences by tagging us on Instagram @Faviana and Twitter @FavianaNY




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