Finding inspiration while shopping for your dress is the first step before purchasing a dress of any choice. Especially if this is your prom dress, you need to get a feel for all the colors, styles, and looks out there before shopping. This way, you are the most prepared and know exactly what to look for. We’re here to help and show you exactly where to get your dress inspiration from!
Dress Inspiration from Faviana

Right here at Faviana, we want to provide you with as much dress inspiration as we can. Our website showcases a dress style in each category: homecoming, prom, cocktail, celebrity, and any other evening event. In addition, we give you the most popular colors, styles, and trends in place. Explore the beautiful images and see which ones you like the most! With a helpful description next to each gown, you’ll know exactly which dress to pair with your body shape and which will fit you the most comfortably. We want to assist you with your dress search and find the right one for you!
Dress Inspiration from Social Media

In addition to dress websites, you have the ultimate source right at your finger tips. Social media websites and apps are a great way to find dress inspiration through different pages and hashtags. You can search directly what you’re looking for, along with accidentally stumbling upon dresses you’re interested in. Especially if you do this from your phone, it’s easy to save or screenshot the image for reference later on. Perhaps the biggest websites to draw any type of inspiration from are Instagram or Pinterest. Here the exploring never ends, and you can “pin” or save as many images as you want. Soon you’ll create your own look book for yourself!
Dress Inspiration from Celebs

We love keeping up with our favorite celebs, and may even fall in love with a dress they wore to a special event. With all the red carpet events highlighted online and on TV, you’re bound to come across a style you will like. This is how you can draw dress inspiration from celebrities! Though you may not be able to find the exact dress they wore, you can take into consideration the length, style, and color that attracted you. You may even look like a celebrity at your next event if you match their look and accessories!
Dress Inspiration from Others

After searching through all the dress forecasting sites and the media, you may get dress inspiration from other people right in front of you. Perhaps you already attended a prom, or know someone who has. Go back and look at those images and explore what everyone else wore. We’re not saying to copy someone’s exact dress, but there’s no harm in getting inspiration from other people around the same age as you. You never know who will be your next muse!
Share with us where you get your dress inspiration by tagging us on Instagram @glamandgowns, and Faviana’s Instagram @Faviana_NY, Snapchat @Faviana_NY, and Twitter @FavianaNY. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more fun vlogs @FavianaNYC!