Halloween is approaching, and you’re stressing out on what you want to be. Even when you do think of a creative idea, there’s still the stress behind how to get your costume! You don’t have to spend a ton of money for one holiday, nor let it take over your whole life for the month of October. We’re here to help and share with you the best places to find Halloween costumes!
Find Halloween Costumes in Your Fall Closet
To spend no money at all, create a DIY costume with the clothes and accessories you have in your very own closet. This is the easiest way to find a Halloween costume, especially if you have a creative mind. Any fall staple piece can be turned into your next costume. For example, fall is famous for flannels, so why don’t you wear one with jean bottoms and boots for an effortless cowgirl costume? If you love wearing black, dress up in black leather with red accent accessories to become a biker chick. A button down and skirt creates a nerd, while a jersey can be turned into an athlete. Do you see the infinite amount of options here? If you want to be more creative, grab your friends and art supplies to recreate DIY costumes you’ve seen in the media, on the web, or Pinterest.
Your Prom or Homecoming Dress

This gives you a great excuse to wear your prom or homecoming dress again. It made you feel beautiful on that night, so why not turn into a Halloween costume that can be elegant or spooky? Wear your gown and go as a pageant queen or princess if you rather look proper and get all dolled up again. Other sweet costume ideas to pair with your dress include a Greek goddess, a fairy, or an angel. Don’t forget all your costume jewelry for these! Of course, you can also opt for costumes that are scarier. With the addition of makeup, a ball-gown can easily be transformed into a zombie bride or bridezilla. For tighter fitting dresses, go as a fashionable devil or witch. The possibilities are endless!
External Websites
If you don’t have time to be creative, don’t own the right clothes, or don’t mind spending some money, then looking on external websites are your best option. Here you can search from an array of categories to find the exact costume you’re looking for, from sexy costumes to animals, superheroes, pirates, or occupational costumes. Buy Costumes is cheaper than your Party City, being one of the largest costume shops on the internet. Similar websites for a decent price are Costume Super Center, Frank Bee Costume, or Costume Kingdom. Nonetheless, no matter which option you choose, you’ll be looking unique and on point for the holiday!
Show us your Halloween costumes and let us know where you found ours by tagging us on Instagram @glamandgowns, and Faviana’s Instagram @Faviana_NY, Snapchat @Faviana_NY, and Twitter @FavianaNY. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more fun vlogs @FavianaNYC!