Whether you’re new to a gym, or have been going there for years, it’s never too late to brush up on some proper gym etiquette. Workouts should be fun for you, and pleasant for the people around you. To avoid any problems, follow this guide on gym etiquette: do’s and don’ts!
Gym Etiquette Clothing

Do: Always be sure you dress appropriately for the gym and follow their dress code. Typically this is shorts, spandex, t-shirts, tanks, sport bras, and sneakers.
Don’t: A gym has a dress code for a reason. Don’t wear any clothes that are too tight, see-through, or too short. In addition, it’s not safe to workout in any shoes besides sneakers.
Carrying Cell Phones

Do: Use your cell phone to listen to music with headphones. If you must take a phone call, go to a private area that’s not around others.
Don’t: Blast your music or talk on the phone while working out. This can be distracting and obnoxious to others.
Handling Equipment

Do: Share the machines with other members who are waiting. You should always rerack the weights you use and sanitize any equipment you have touched.
Don’t: Occupy one machine for too long, especially if people are waiting. It is also rude to not place the equipment you’ve been using back where it belongs.
Proper Hygiene

Do: Wear deodorant and keep your sweat to yourself. It is polite to keep a rag handy to wipe the sweat off your body and wipe the equipment down.
Don’t: Overwhelm those around you with your cologne, perfume, or other products. Spray yourself down when you leave or consider using the showers when you’re done.
Giving Personal Space

Do: Give people their personal space. Gym staff are available to help you if you need assistance on a machine, so go to them first. Use common sense and courtesy.
Don’t: Crowd others or choose something right next to an occupied machine. If you are waiting for equipment to become available, don’t hover directly over the person using it.
Water Fountain Rules

Do: Refill your water bottle and stay hydrated. If you see someone waiting behind you, let them go ahead of you before you take time to fill a large water bottle up.
Don’t: Take too long to fill your water bottle up or hog the fountain. It’s there to share, so avoid putting your mouth on it and spitting into the fountain.
Locker Room Etiquette

Do: Keep your body and your things to yourself, but still share the space. There is a locker room for a reason, so secure all your personal belongings in a locker with a padlock.
Don’t: Lay all of your belongings out and take up more space than necessary. Also, don’t treat the locker room like your personal bathroom. Always clean up after yourself!
Share your gym etiquette and do’s and don’ts with us by tagging us on Instagram @glamandgowns, and Faviana’s Instagram @Faviana, Snapchat @Faviana_NY, and Twitter @FavianaNY. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more fun vlogs @FavianaNYC!
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