As you’re trying to get through the semester and only halfway through your current internship, the last thing you want to think about is securing another internship. Nonetheless, it’s never too early to start looking for future internships. Now is the time that companies are searching for spring interns, which starts in January. It’s a competitive world out there, which means you need to have a good strategy and put a little work in before starting the work. To beat the odds, here is a step-by-step plan on how to guarantee an internship for the spring!
Step 1: Find Your Passion
Before you can even begin the search process, you need to figure out what it is that you exactly what to do. Think hard about your classes and previous work experiences. What was it that you loved and enjoyed doing the most? This is your passion, which should be your drive and motivation along the whole internship process. You have to decide on what you want and what you will be the happiest with doing before moving forward.

Step 2: Browse the Internet
Once you have some idea of what you want, it’s time to use the tools in front of you to search for those internships. The web is one of the most powerful tools with targeted sites for the field you hope to pursue, with endless possibilities as well. Broad database sites such as Chegg and are super easy to use and register for. You can look for and apply for internships in a matter of clicks based on the type of internship you want and the location. These websites pull up every match out there, being the most efficient way to find an internship. To guarantee one though, you’re going to have to get used to applying to 2-3 per day.
Step 3: Ask Your Network
Sending your resumes to generic emails and false websites can sometimes be a black hole, and LinkedIn doesn’t always work out if you aren’t already connected with the right people. To help zero in on the right contact at a place you want to work, you have to figure out who you know who can give you a leg up. Especially given the competition, you need to make actual contact with a human being to have a fighting chance. Your web relationships are a powerful tool, so take advantage of it. Tweet or post on Facebook or to your school group where you would love to intern, and see if anyone knows someone who has worked or interned there. Family, friends, peers, and colleagues are your go-to networks for landing a job now and for the rest of your life.
Step 4: Make Research
Not only do you have to research internships and people, but you should thoroughly research all the companies you want to work for. Make sure you read every word about their job and internship opportunities, figuring out their internship process, how the company runs, and what they’re looking for. This is especially crucial before an internship interview. Learn how to walk and talk like the employees you want to work for, and look as though you’d fit right in. The recruiter will recognize your knowledge about their company, and will certainly be impressed.
With these four simple steps, you’ll certainly guarantee an internship for the spring. Check out also our guide about summer internships. Share with us the internships you land by tagging us on Instagram @glamandgowns, and Faviana’s Instagram @Faviana_NY, Snapchat @Faviana_NY, and Twitter @FavianaNY. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more fun vlogs @FavianaNYC.