If you are about to graduate from high school, or already have, it can seem a little daunting to start preparing for the next step in your life! Whether you are headed to college, and internship or a job, there are lots of ways you can start to prep for your future. From amping up your resume to just taking some time to set some goals, it is time to start getting excited for what’s next. Here are Faviana’s 10 Tips for High School Graduates!
1. Set Goals
Now that you have finished high school, what’s next? Time to start to set realistic goals for yourself, and start making steps towards them.
2. Plan a Trip
Get out there in the world and see something new! College summers are much busier as you start internships and jobs, so take advantage of the free time. Plan a big trip with friends, or take a road trip with your bff.
3. Get an Internship
If you have free time this summer and are excited to jump right into a new challenge, why not try to get an internship to build up your resume. Internships are a great way to transition into an industry, and make for great networking opportunities!
4. Learn Something New
Take up a new hobby! A new year means new opportunities to expand your skills, so why not start now. Maybe now is the time to start that blog you have been thinking about, or to take a painting class, because why not!
5. Relax
You made it through high school, so you deserve to relax! Set aside some time to relax and reflect on high school, and enjoy some you time. Self care is key to being healthy mentally and physically.
6. Save Money
College is expensive, so start saving now! Pick up a retail job, or do some dog walking to start bulking up your savings account for the year to come.
7. Exercise
Set your fitness goals for the year in the summer, so it is easier to maintain when life gets crazy again in the fall. Get yourself outside to move your body, it’s been a stressful year so let your body unwind.
8. Clean Out Your Closet
New year means a new wardrobe! High school is over, time to get rid of those shoes you haven’t worn in 4 years. Donate what you don’t want, or hold a clothing swap with your friends to find some fresh pieces to add to your closet.
9. Maintain Your Friendship
It’s easy to loose touch with people after high school as everyone goes their separate ways, but make the extra effort to maintain the important friendships in your life.
10. Celebrate Yourself
Faviana is all about celebrating yourself, and it’s time for you to celebrate all that you have accomplished in the last four years. Cut yourself some slack to regroup for the summer, before buckling down and kicking butt in the fall!
What do you plan to do this summer? What are you goals for the next year? Let us know what you think by tagging us on Instagram @glamandgowns, and Faviana’s Instagram @Faviana_NY and Twitter @FavianaNY. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more fun vlogs @FavianaNYC!