On some occasions, you may have woken up in the morning and had absolutely no motivation to pull yourself together. You might have even missed your alarm and then realized that you had an important school event or work meeting to attend. We’ve all been victim to this at one point or another, but there will be no excuse for lackluster hair after reading about these fast, easy, and cute everyday hairstyles.
Everyday Hairstyles: Hidden Hair Tie Ponytails

Lets be honest, ponytails are a saving grace when our hair is falling a bit flat. Everyone knows how to create a ponytail but simply hiding your hair tie can elevate your look. After securing your ponytail, take a small section of it and wrap it around your hair tie and pin it under the hair. A high, combed back ponytail can instantly become sleek by using a brush with soft and compact bristles to smooth out your hair. Low ponytails can be very trendy and be worn tightly or on the loose and messy side.
Everyday Hairstyles: Messy Volume

When we see messy, relaxed hair on celebrities, we wish we woke up like that. If you’re suffering from major bed head, use it to your advantage! Use a texturizing cream or spray to massage some volume into your hair. Then, tease your hair near the root and throughout your length in quick, upward motions. This will add more definition and lift for a breezy look.
Everyday Hairstyles: Ballerina (Sock) Bun

A high ballerina bun may seem difficult to achieve but it can actually be very easy. This is where a a ponytail and a sock comes into the picture! A sock bun can be done (in advance) by cutting off the toe section of it so it’s an open tubular shape and then rolling it, flipping outward until it is basically a thick scrunchy. Hold your ponytail straight up above your head and place it through the sock at the end of your strands. Next, take hold of those end strands and the sock and start rolling down the ponytail until you reach the base of your head. Spread out the hair evenly to fully cover up the sock, tuck pins in if necessary for extra hold, and done.
Everyday Hairstyles: Easy Waves

Waves, as opposed to full curls, look effortless and can actually take little effort! In the time crunch of everyday life, this is an easy option. To make it as simple as possible, divide your hair into about four sections. Twist a section tightly and then use a straightening iron to heat up your twisted hair down the length of the section. When you release the section, you should now have loose, beach-like waves. Repeat this for each section and use hairspray at the end to keep the hairstyle in place.
Everyday Hairstyles: Bandanna Up-Do

If you’re looking for an easy, mock up-do, a low bun and bandanna can get the job done. Rolled up bandannas and head scarfs add a fun accessory to your everyday look and are gentle on your hair. With your hair fully let down, start with the bandanna under your hair, where your neck meets your head and tie it at the top of your head about an inch away from your forehead. If you have bangs, leave them hanging and if you dont, pull some strands out near your face. Finally, take all of your hair and twist it into a low, messy bun that is places just above the bottom section of your bandanna.
Everyday Hairstyles: Half-Up, Half-Down

No matter you hair’s texture or length (yes, even short bobs), a half-up, half-down look is simple and practical. You can hold back the top portion of your hair with hair ties, Bobby pins, or decorative clips. If desired, you can also pull on the top section after its secured for some release and added volume.
Let us know your own favorite everyday hairstyles by tagging us on Instagram @glamandgowns, and Faviana’s Instagram @Faviana, Snapchat @Faviana_NY, and Twitter @FavianaNY. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more fun vlogs!
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